In a matter of hours, one of the most unique and bizarre election cycles in United States history will reach its conclusion. If your ballot is already in, there's nothing left to do but wait. If you haven't voted yet and still can, go do that now!

There is actually a college football tie to the United States Presidential Election as it pertains to the result of the Alabama-LSU rivalry. The game, often played in early November, has lined up nicely with Election Day and even the results have correlated with the winning party during presidential election years dating back to 1984 (the eight previous election cycles).

ElectionAlabama-LSU winnerPresidential Winner
1984LSURonald Reagan (R)
1988LSUGeorge H.W. Bush (R)
1992AlabamaBill Clinton (D)
1996AlabamaBill Clinton (D)
2000LSUGeorge W. Bush (R)
2004LSUGeorge W. Bush (R)
2008AlabamaBarack Obama (D)
2012AlabamaBarack Obama (D)

We're not in the business of calling races or making any electoral predictions here at CBS Sports. For that, we must point you to the far more educated and responsible minds at CBS News for all the latest on the 2016 Election.

We're only presenting a trend via a data set (first spotted over at the SEC Network) that will be tested soon. If the trend holds, Alabama's victory over LSU is a good sign for Hillary Clinton's campaign.