For months, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has promised a GOP convention unlike those the party has previously presented. If the guest list obtained and published by The New York Times late Wednesday is accurate, he looks to deliver on that promise.

Among the speakers discovered by the paper are former Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Tim Tebow and current UFC president Dana White.

The roster of speakers obtained by The Times, and confirmed by two people with direct knowledge of the convention planning, reveals a lineup lacking many of the party's rising stars. Instead, it features some of Mr. Trump's eclectic collection of friends, celebrities and relatives, from his Slovenian supermodel wife to professional golfer Natalie Gulbis.

Tebow, who is famous not only for his football ability but his Christian and conservative views, has shied away from taking political stances in the past despite reports that Republicans have been attempting to get him to run for office in his home state of Florida.

In March, Tebow said he found the thought of running for office one day interesting. "If there's a chance you can make a difference some day in something, that would be intriguing," he said.

Tebow, who was rumored to be a guest speaker at the 2012 event, is set to speak on the convention's fourth and final night, according to The Times, which will be closed by Trump himself.

White is scheduled to open night two. LPGA golfer Natalie Gulbis will speak on night three, preceding whomever Trump nominates for vice president.

The Times does note that the schedule is subject to change.