The Orioles defeated the Red Sox (BAL 5, BOS 2) in their series-opener at Fenway Park on Monday night. There were no fireworks in the first game between the two teams since Matt Barnes threw behind Manny Machado's head. That doesn't mean the game was peaceful, however.

Following his team's win, O's center fielder Adam Jones told Bob Nightengale of USA Today he was "called the N-word a handful of times" during the game, and one fan even threw a bag of peanuts at him. Here's more from Nightengale:

"A disrespectful fan threw a bag of peanuts at me,'' Jones said, "I was called the N-word a handful of times tonight. Thanks. Pretty awesome.'' 


"It's different,'' he said. "Very unfortunate. I heard there was 59 or 60 ejections tonight in the ballpark. It is what it is, right. I just go out and play baseball. It's unfortunate that people need to report to those type of epithets to degrade another human being. I'm trying to make a living for myself and for my family.

"It's unfortunate. The best thing about myself is that I continue to move on, and still play the game hard. Let people be who they are. Let them show their true colors.''

Jones also called the fan who threw a bag of peanuts at him a "coward," and said kicking that person out of the stadium is not a harsh enough penalty. "What if something hit me right in the eye and I can't play baseball anymore. Then what? I just wear it? No. Things like that need to be handled a little more properly, in my opinion," he said.

The Red Sox apologized in a statement Tuesday.

Tanisha Sullivan, the president of the Boston chapter of the NAACP, has since commented on Jones' treatment:

"There is something about the climate here" in Boston, she said. "There is something about the climate that made people think it was okay. That made people think that, in a crowded stadium, they could shout out these words, and not only would they not be arrested — but the people around them would find it acceptable. And that speaks to something very deep.''

As has Boston's mayor Marty Walsh:

Additionally, here's what commissioner Rob Manfred had to say:

Heckling is part of the game. Fans giving opposing players the business comes with the territory. There is a line, however. When it crosses over into racist taunts -- David Price said he heard racial remarks at Fenway last year, while he was pitching for the Red Sox -- and throwing things at players, that's way too far. It's dangerous and it's disgraceful.