Wednesday, the day after the All-Star Game, was an off day for Major League Baseball. That didn't stop Mike Trout from garnering headlines, however, thanks to an odd and short-lived feud between the Los Angeles Angels and commissioner Rob Manfred.

The whole thing began when Manfred responded to questions about marketing Trout by suggesting Trout himself isn't interested in such efforts. The Angels came to Trout's defense, releasing a statement in which they applauded Trout's priorities. Trout himself then got involved. Here's what he said, courtesy of the Angels:

"I have received lots of questions about Commissioner Manfred's recent statement," Trout said. "I am not a petty guy and would really encourage everyone to just move forward. Everything is cool between the Commissioner and myself. End of story. I am ready to just play some baseball!"

To recap: Trout is not a petty person, everything is cool, and he just wants to play baseball, exclamation point. Fair enough.

You would think MLB could still find a way to market Trout, even without his direct involvement. Perhaps focusing on his accomplishments, his highlights, and his attitude -- everyone loves a diamond rat, especially when they're arguably the most talented player of all-time, right?

Anyway, the regular season resumes on Thursday, meaning we can all get back to more important matters than the one at hand.