Earlier this week, the ownership group led by Bruce Sherman and Derek Jeter officially took control of the Miami Marlins. They received unanimous approval from MLB owners last week, and, a few days later, the financial transaction closed.

In one of his first moves as owner, Jeter fired four franchise icons: Jeff Conine, Andre Dawson, Jack McKeon, and Tony Perez. All four held positions with the team and are among the most recognizable names in franchise history. Others were let go soon thereafter.

Now, according to Jon Heyman of FanRag Sports and Barry Jackson of the Miami Herald, Jeter has reached out to the four franchise icons in an attempt to make amends. Conine, Dawson, and Perez have reportedly been offered jobs as well. From Heyman:

Jeter reached out to the four men Friday or over the weekend, explaining to them that he didn't believe he could call them until the sale closed (it did so on Friday), and was now giving them a message that was much more positive, and in fact the opposite of what they heard previously. 

The four men, who now could all be back with the team (depending on the role offered, of course), either declined comment or could not be reached. Jeter told them that he'd discuss their new roles at a later date. 

Jackson describes Jeter as "doing damage control or rethinking the situation" after receiving bad publicity for the firings, not only because of the four men involved, but also because he didn't fire them himself. Jeter had longtime team president David Samson, who himself is on the way out, do the firings.

Given these latest reports, the Jeter era in Miami is not off to the smoothest of starts. Of course a new owner has the right to replace the incumbent staff and bring in his own people. It happens all the time. But when the owner starts reaching out to make amends a few weeks later, it suggests the moves weren't well thought out in the first place.