The Arizona Diamondbacks are free to relocate -- sort of.

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted on Wednesday to permit the Diamondbacks to seek a location for a new ballpark. That provision is part of an agreement that will have the D-Backs cease asking the county to pony up nearly $200 million for upgrades to Chase Field. Under this deal, the Diamondbacks could leave Chase Field without penalty as soon as 2022 -- provided, anyway, the new stadium is built within Maricopa County.

Here's more information about the Diamondbacks' stadium hunt, courtesy of USA Today:

A new stadium built on tribal land, an idea that has been rumored, would have to charge the same taxes as currently charged at Chase Field, according to the agreement.

Presuming the Diamondbacks do find a new nest within the county lines, this would end a simmering feud between the two sides. Remember, tensions rose last year when Chase Field was flooded, leading Major League Baseball to threaten intervention.

If this all seems like a ploy for the Diamondbacks to become the latest franchise blessed with a new stadium ... well, it probably is. Chase Field has housed the D-Backs throughout their 20 years of existence. Construction didn't even begin on the stadium until 1996, meaning it isn't even 25 years old. Enjoy the place formerly known as the BOB while you can -- it doesn't seem long for the sport.