One would think it wasn't so bad to be a member of the New York Mets in 2016. After all, they won a respectable 87 games, made the playoffs for a second consecutive season, and then re-upped with cloutsman Yoenis Cespedes. However, Mets ace Noah Syndergaard recently fired up the Twitter machine in order to remind us that 2016 was otherwise a year of substantial blight for the Queenslanders. Behold his litany of misfortunes ...

Perhaps that's tailored toward pessimism, but he's not wrong about all of those things. David Wright played in just 37 games, Neil Walker was lost for the stretch drive and postseason, and Terry Collins was forced to use 12 different starting pitchers.

In 2017, the Mets, if they can keep that stable of hard-throwing starters generally healthy, then they'll be World Series contenders. So better days ahead, Mr. Syndergaard. Maybe. Things can always get worse. Never forget that things can always get worse. Also, 2016 isn't over yet, so there's still time for more bad things to happen. Don't forget that, either.

Is the universe cruel? No. The universe merely doesn't care about you and your trifling miseries.