"Working with my hands is a big deal for me," Madison Bumgarner says. "Because I can't stand having — you know — sissy hands, soft hands." As ace of the San Francisco Giants, he's got no time for blisters or splinters (from swinging the bat — duh!). So he also swings an ax, which we kind of knew about him already.

And so begins the manliest of TV commercials for Carhartt, which has made MadBum a spokesperson for its clothing line. The gist: People like Bumgarner attack work like it's a workout. Here, buy our overalls. Just kidding. Earnestly, he is the perfect pitch man for Carhartt. He's from North Carolina, he grew up in a log cabin, he lives on a ranch during non-baseball months. He doesn't hug trees, he chops 'em down!

Mad Bum Tree
This is what MadBum thinks of the Braves' Tomahawk Chop. (Carhartt)

What's said in the middle of the commercial is forgettable, because all one can do is focus on Bumgarner chopping down this tree (his own?) like he's a direct descendent of the Great Lumberjack Pharaoh. Chop, chop, chop until ... down goes the tree! And Bumgarner turns and walks away like a boss. What's he going to do with the lumber? Make his own bats? They don't say. It doesn't matter. The commercial's over.

One issue: It's a bit surprising they actually left "sissy hands" in there. "Sissy" probably is something that shouldn't be said in a TV ad where people can hear. Women can be lumberjacks, too, ya know? Lumberjills, and that's OK. Whatever — the intended demographic won't care. Aside from that, I cannot tell a lie: The commercial gave me chills, even shpilkes.

And MadBum's legend grows, even as a disabler of forestry. Here's another ad with MadBum. It's also effective:

And here's more lumberjacking: