The major league season opened this past Sunday and Monday, but it wasn’t until Thursday that the minor-league season got underway. The 2017 season is now a full go. Both the big leaguers and minor leaguers are playing.

Comedian Bill Murray co-owns the low Class-A Charleston RiverDogs (Yankees) -- his official title with the team is “Director of Fun” -- and he was on hand for the club’s first game Thursday night. Murray was on the field for the pregame ceremonies, and before leaving, he tried to slip the umpires some cash as a bribe. Check it out:

Love it. Bill Murray’s awesome. Minor-league teams are always looking for fun promotions to get fans to the ballpark. Imagine having Bill Murray at your disposal? That’d be great.

Alas, Murray’s bribe did not work. The RiverDogs lost their season opener to the Lexington Legends (Royals). Baseball is a marathon though. Perhaps Murray can celebrate another playoff berth in a few months.