America's third-string QB Tim Tebow on Tuesday held a showcase for major-league teams in hopes of latching on and working his way up through one of those 30 systems. Tebow, 29, not long ago announced his intention to pursue a baseball career and has already been courted by indy-league teams and even a pro team in Venezuela. Tebow, though, aspires to play affiliated baseball.

To that end, we've already laid eyes upon Tebow's reasonable if wide-footed left-handed swing, and now the former standout prep ballplayer has displayed his full baseball wares. Per Tebow's representatives, scouts from 28 MLB organizations were on hand to witness the following showcase itinerary ...

As you can see, the finishing touch would be a round of live BP against two former major-league pitchers. And here's the rather very swole guest of honor ...

First up, the 60-yard dash ...

Others had Tebow timed at 6.7 seconds in the 60, which would be above-average for a major-leaguer. For some context, Mike Trout's last recorded 60 time was 6.4 seconds. Now let's see the arm ...

And to the plate ...

His arm isn't the strongest, but he fields the ball outside the glove-side leg and crow-hops into the threw, as he should. As for his fielding, at least one on-the-scene review was not positive ...

At the plate, he did indeed show some BP power ...

Exhibit B ...

A closer at his showcase swing ....

He's perhaps moved his feet a little closer together than was the case when last we saw him. Tebow's hands are quick to the ball, and he gets some hip-and-shoulder separation. That's not a bad swing at all, at least when confronted with a batting-practice fastball. A quick post-BP scouting report ...

And now for some live major-league-ish pitching ...

And the much-dread offspeed stuff ...

Not surprisingly, that didn't go well for Tebow. The results versus Smith ...

Now it's up to the 28 major-league organizations who presumably have at least a passing interest in Tebow. It's how they regard his future potential with the bat that will drive any interest that persists after this showcase. Needless to say, we'll hear more on this front, probably very soon.