In the eighth inning of Wednesday night's Royals-Twins game (KC 7, MIN 2), Minnesota outfielder Torii Hunter took palpable exception to the strike zone of plate ump Mark Ripperger. Please watch as Mr. Hunter begins to take off his clothes in righteous anger and Paul Molitor earns his first managerial heave-ho ... 

Torii Hunter seems displeased by baseball events!

So did he have a beef? Here's how Gameday saw it ... 

The fifth and final pitch of the AB certainly appears to be ever-so-slightly off the outer edge of the plate. What probably bothered Hunter even more is that it was darn close to prior pitches that had been called balls. The players want consistency, assuming absolute accuracy isn't in play (and it isn't). 

And with that, the textiles flew. 

As for Molitor's comparatively placid ejection, he had this to say ... 


Torii Hunter, pictured above in a state of displeasure. (USATSI)
Torii Hunter, pictured above in a state of displeasure. (USATSI)