Chicago White Sox first baseman Jose Abreu is taking part in a smuggling and conspiracy trial against former agent Bartolo Hernandez and trainer Julio Estrada. Abreu, who has been granted limited immunity in exchange for his testimony, explained to the court Wednesday how he found his way from Cuba to the United States.

One part of Abreu’s testimony that will likely endure is how he disposed of his fake passport by eating it on the plane. Here’s more, courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:

It was Latouff, Abreu testified, who got him the passport and booked the Air France flight, telling the ballplayer to destroy the document on the plane. But instead of tearing it up and tossing it in the garbage, Abreu said he ordered a Heineken beer and chewed it up in his seat.

Additionally, Abreu detailed how he received the fake passport in Haiti and how he was able to remain in the United States despite lacking papers because of the since-rescinded “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy. The reason Abreu traveled illegally? He feared he’d miss the deadline for signing his $68 million contract.

“If I had not been there on that particular day, the deadline, then the contract would not be executed and would no longer be valid,” Abreu told the court. He also took credit for securing the fake passport -- saying it was his idea and his alone, not that of Hernandez or Estrada.  

Miami Marlins shortstop Adeiny Hechavarria and Seattle Mariners outfielder Leonys Martin are two other ballplayers who have testified during the trial.