Last week, Chicago White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson found himself embroiled in a controversy surrounding the unwritten rules with Houston Astros ace Justin Verlander. Just seven days later, Anderson is again hearing it from a veteran -- this time Kansas City Royals catcher Salvador Pérez, who took umbrage on Saturday with how Anderson celebrated a leadoff home run.

Pérez clued in Anderson on what he thought about this, that, and mashed potatoes, and the benches cleared in response. Spurring the whole mess? Pérez's belief that Anderson talked too much after his long ball, per Maria Torres of the Kansas City Star:

"I don't have any problems with the guy hitting a homer, taking a couple of steps, walk two steps and keep running. But when you start to get loud, to say some bad words ... I don't like that," Perez said.

Torres later tweeted out more of Pérez's thoughts on Anderson:

On the one hand, Pérez's frustration is understandable. The Royals are off to a miserable 6-20 start, leaving them with little to play for beyond personal pride. If Pérez isn't the face of the franchise, he's at least one of its elder statesmen. His tenure combined with his role as catcher puts him in a leadership role that requires defending his team against slights, real or imagined.

Which bin does this one belong to? Probably the latter.

It's not clear that Anderson was directing his foul language at Pérez or any of the Royals -- one presumes Pérez would've made that clear were it the issue. It seems like Pérez is just mad that Anderson said anything in a celebratory manner. Frankly, Pérez's focus on Anderson's vulgarity is a bit odd, considering, 1. he dropped an f-bomb in his explanation and, 2. he's been a professional ballplayer for a long time. Mileage may vary and to each their own on that front, but if playing in the postseason is a requirement for letting off four-letter words, then most everyone in baseball history has violated that rule. Ditto most saints. 

This again seems like a case where a veteran is pulling rank and pointing to an unwritten code of etiquette on a manner that doesn't merit the effort. It's OK that Pérez was annoyed; it's OK that Anderson was excited. That's the warp and woof of competition. This is all so, so silly.

Tune in next week, when Anderson gets yelled at by a veteran for tying his shoes too tightly.