
Much like every other sport across the globe, soccer is at a standstill due to the growing impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has infected nearly a million people. Some notable figures -- including soccer stars -- have taken to social media to encourage their supporters to stay at home.

Aston Villa captain Jack Grealish, on the other hand, got into a bit of trouble over the weekend after he was photographed at the scene of a car accident just a day after putting out a promotional video on Twitter to encourage social distancing. Grealish, whose car was involved in the minor wreck, has since apologized for breaking government lockdown orders in the United Kingdom and is expected to be fined and disciplined by Aston Villa.

Here's a look at the video Grealish put out to promote self-isolation during the pandemic:

"To help save lives, you must stay home. Only leave your house to buy food, to buy medicine or to exercise," Grealish said.

The 24-year-old midfielder for the England national team issued this apology video:

"Hi everybody, I just want to do a quick video message to say how deeply embarrassed I am by what has happened this weekend. I know it is a tough time for everyone at the moment, being locked indoors for so long and I obviously just got a call off a friend asking to go around to his [home] and I stupidly agreed to do so," he said. 

"I don't want anyone to make the same mistake that I did. I obviously urge everyone to stay at home and follow the rules and the guidelines of what we have been asked to do. I know for a fact that I'll be doing that in the near future now and I urge everyone to do the same.

"I hope everyone can accept my apology and we can move on from this and hopefully in the near future we can be out enjoying ourselves again once this has all boiled over."

His club, Aston Villa, released a statement detailing how disappointed they were in their captain not following the government's guidelines:

Aston Villa is deeply disappointed that one of our players ignored the Government's guidance on staying at home during the Coronavirus crisis. 

Club Captain Jack Grealish has accepted that his decision to leave his house was wrong and entirely unnecessary. It breached the government guidelines which are clear and should be adhered to by everybody. 

The player will be disciplined and fined with the proceeds donated to The University Hospitals Charity in Birmingham.

It's safe to say he learned his lesson, and he's fortunate the outcome wasn't worse. Hopefully this serves as a reminder to everyone else to stay home and stay safe during such an unprecedented time.