UPDATE (Saturday, Sept. 9): Texas A&M coach Kevin Sumlin responded to the hate mail his family received at their home following the 24-14 win over Nicholls State.

"I've done this a long time, and I get lots of mail," Sumlin said, according to Brent Zwerneman of the Houston Chronicle. "I get criticism, which is part of the job. I get suggestions, and that's part of the job. In this situation, for that (letter) to come to my home and for her to open it and read that, that is completely different. My wife and kids have never called a play. My wife and kids have never done anything football-wise that led to us losing a game or winning a game."

ORIGINAL STORY: In the end, football is just a game. Sure, it can get emotional, but those emotions should never cause fans to cross a line that one Texas A&M fan evidently crossed this week.

Charlene Sumlin, the wife of Aggies coach Kevin Sumlin, posted a picture Thursday evening of a racist, angry, threatening letter sent from a fan to the family's house following the 45-44 loss to UCLA at the Rose Bowl Sunday evening.

"You suck as a coach," the letter read. "You're a [expletive] and can't win. Please get lost! Or else."

Texas A&M responded via statement from president Michael Young and athletics director Scott Woodward.

"Earlier this evening, we became aware of a letter of unknown origin that was sent to the Sumlin family home," the statement read. "We unequivocally condemn this disgusting and threatening letter. There is no excuse for hatred and, as a community, we will not allow the ignorance of some to intimidate any member of our community. On behalf of all Aggies, our thoughts are with Coach Sumlin and his family, and we will do all that we can to ensure their safety. We are working with law enforcement authorities to bring the sender of this letter to justice. We stand with the Sumlins and will not accept this inexcusable act of hate."

There is absolutely no excuse for hate and ignorance. No football game, season, program or devastating collapse on national television should be a reason to send any angry letter to a coach's home, much less one as disgusting as this. 

Sumlin is 44-22 in his six seasons as Texas A&M's coach. His .667 winning percentage places him fifth among the winningest Texas A&M head coaches of all time with a minimum of 20 games. His record in College Station makes him more successful than Paul "Bear" Bryant was from 1954-57 (.634) and Jackie Sherrill from 1982-88 (.642). 

Texas A&M hosts Nicholls State at 7 p.m. ET Saturday night in the home opener at Kyle Field.