Weather delays caused a change-up in the order of activities prior to New Mexico's home game against Air Force on Saturday. The playing of the national anthem was pushed to halftime, and when the New Mexico band played the song, five Lobos players took a knee

On Tuesday, New Mexico held its regularly scheduled press conference and coach Bob Davie appeared with the five players -- Stanley Barnwell Jr., Kimmie Carson, Garrett Hughes, Elijah Lilly and Michael Sewell Jr. -- to answer questions about the protest. 

"They had every right to do that legally, morally, ethically," Davie said. "I support them 100 percent. I feel more strongly now than ever that our football team is unified and that our football team is really a big part of the solution moving forward, not the problem."

The unusual circumstances with the weather delay created so much confusion that members of both teams were surprised that the anthem was played after the conclusion of the second quarter. Davie spoke out against the divisive narrative that has been spun in the media, contributing to fans' vitriol towards the players and New Mexico football as a whole. 

"We took a knee for something we believe in," Hughes said. "We took a knee to stand with Kaepernick against injustice in America right now. We didn't do it to disrespect the flag. There was honestly no negative connotation with the kneel -- it was a positive protest. ... We took a knee for something we believe in. Point blank."