When even the founder of the site where plans for Tuesday's "Fire Dave Brandon" rally on the Michigan campus were first hatched wasn't sure what to expect, it seemed likely the event might draw far more media interest than actual, you know, protester interest.

But in the end a crowd of several hundred Michigan students did indeed gather to voice their opinion and eventually march to president Mark Schlissel's house to demand -- as they have in an online petition and other forums -- the ouster of Brandon, the embattled Wolverine athletic director.

Not surprisingly, social media offered up plenty of images and video from the event. Via MGoBlog's Ace Anbender, the view from outside the Schlissel residence:

Via the Michigan Daily's Simon Kaufman, "Down with Dave" chants as the crowd approaches the Schlissel residence:

Via the Detroit Free-Press's David Jesse:

That's Edward Mears, Michigan law student, wearing an Ohio State sweatshirt in protest; he told Jesse he wouldn't wear Wolverine gear again until Brandon was gone.

Because of course

Again, from Anbender and MGoBlog:

"Fi-re Brand-don! [clap clap clapclapclap]"