A high school basketball game in Pittsburgh devolved into madness this week when a fight broke out on the floor and sparked a wild brawl that involved players, fans and parents. 

The incident came toward the end of a game between Monessen High School and Clairton High School and involved about 60 people. You can check out footage of the brawl below.

Eventually, police were called to break up the fight and they ended up using pepper spray to disperse the crowd. The game was called off with a little under five minutes left to play in the fourth quarter.

Western Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic League (WPIAL) executive director Tim O'Malley called the incident "totally unacceptable" and called on both schools to issue a "severe response" in its aftermath. The Clairton police chief said the incident is under investigation and that the department will take appropriate action once the review is complete.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published a firsthand account from a parent at the game.

"People were getting sucker-punched. I saw guys just getting picked off," said Eric Fusco, who is also a former Clairton football assistant coach. "The game was chippy from the start, but I didn't think this was going to happen. People have said they should ban both teams from the playoffs. I don't think that's going to solve anything. I think the fans are way more guilty than the players. You can't hold players responsible for what fans do."

Both teams have already clinched a playoff berth and it is not expected that they'll be disqualified from postseason play.