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The year was 1948, and Babe Ruth, mere weeks before his death, was on the Yale campus to donate the original manuscript of his autobiography to the university. On the ceremonial receiving end of that manuscript was the captain of the Yale baseball team, first baseman George Herbert Walker Bush ...

George H.W. Bush, of course, would go on to become the 41st president of the United States. Bush was actually accepted into Yale in 1942, but he didn't enroll until 1945 because he was busy doing other things -- like being a decorated and heroic combat pilot during World War II.

Unfortunately, the above image also captures the future President Bush's first diplomatic misstep: As you can plainly see, young Mr. Bush is attempting to shake the right hand of Mr. Ruth, which is preoccupied with a stogie.

Mr. Bush would learn from this moment.

(Wink of CBS eye: Michael Beschloss)