The Miami Marlins might have some famous new owners.

According to Bloomberg's Scott Soshnick, the group led by former New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter and former Florida governor and presidential hopeful Jeb Bush have won the bidding for the Marlins:

A group led by former Florida governor Jeb Bush and former New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter have won the auction for the Miami Marlins baseball team, according to a person with knowledge of the deal.

The person requested anonymity because the sale contract hasn't been signed. The person declined to say how much the group paid for the team, which is owned by New York art dealer Jeff Loria.

This report has yet to be confirmed by any of the parties involved. Barry Jackson of the Miami Herald, however, did confirm -- and noted the agreed upon price is $1.3 billion:

Jackson has since wrote an article on the situation, noting why Loria is interested in selling off the team:

According to a New York-based Loria associate, Loria decided to sell the team for a variety of factors: his belief that leaving baseball and getting his estate in order was prudent at this stage of his life at 76; sadness over the death over Jose Fernandez, unhappiness with years of being criticized by fans and prolonged losing since winning a World Series in 2003, among other factors.

Assuming Jackson's report is true, it'll give a new raise to the main question facing the Jeter-Bush group -- where's the money coming from? Maury Brown has written about the topic before for Forbes. It's worth noting no sale can be approved until the next owners meeting -- conveniently scheduled for sometime in May:

Marlins president David Samson offered no comment when asked by Local 10 News of Miami:

"I have not commented on the process and plan to keep it that way." Samson told Local 10 Sports Director Will Manso in a text.

We'll have more on this story as it develops.