Earlier today, the New York Yankees acquired Sonny Gray from the Oakland Athletics in exchange for prospects Dustin Fowler, Jorge Mateo, and James Kaprelian. 

To make heads or tails out of the deal, we asked Christopher Crawford of Rotoworld to weigh in on the prospects. You can follow Crawford on Twitter here.

The newest Yankee. Kelley L Cox / USA TODAY Sports

Did the A's get fair value for Gray?

It's pretty close to fair value, so it probably is fair value. These are three top 100 prospects, and I think that teams were a little hesitant to give up the whole caboodle for Gray. It's not overwhelming like the Aroldis Chapman deal or the Adam Eaton haul, but it's certainly an okay return for Oakland.

What position does Mateo play long term?

I think he's going to play center field. He's a top-of-the-scales runner who can make a major impact with his wheels, and there's offensive upside in his bat. He needs to show the same patience at the plate that he did upon the call-up, but there's obviously a lot to like about a profile like this.

Are you concerned about Fowler and Kaprelian's health?

You have to be, at least a little. Fowler's injury was gruesome, and while Tommy John Surgery is far from a death sentence, it's not a lock that he comes back showing the same stuff. That being said, they were good gets. Fowler is an outfielder who can do a little bit of everything and play all three outfield positions. He could hit at or near the top of the lineup someday. Kaprielian is a hurler who has shown four plus pitches and he touches 97, and he throws all of them for strikes. If they come back healthy -- and it's a big if -- they can be impact players.

How does this package compare to the rumored Torres/Frazier asking price?

It doesn't. And it was insane to think they could get those kind of players. Torres is still the best prospect in baseball, and Frazier is already performing exceptionally at the highest level. Gray is good, but expecting that kind of return was insane, and I doubt Oakland was truly expecting to get either.

Would you have preferred a package led by Estevan Florial

 Florial would be the most talented player in the deal, but he's just as risky as the names above. He shows four plus tools, but he's also 19, and he might strike out 200 times if he becomes an everyday player. Even with the injuries Fowler and Kaprielian offer more safety, and they aren't lacking in ceiling, either. 

Again, you can follow Crawford on Twitter here