One of the most surprising moves of the offseason, the Kyrie Irving-Isaiah Thomas trade, has had quite the fallout in both the cities and organizations involved.

It continued recently with Thomas telling Lee Jenkins in a feature for Sports Illustrated that he might never speak to Celtics GM Danny Ainge again because of the trade to the Cleveland Cavaliers

A short time later, Ainge himself was asked about the former Celtics star's comments, and while it was clear he wasn't aware of them, said that as a player who was traded twice himself, he understood how Thomas was feeling. He also added, "You guys know how much I love Isaiah."

Ainge's full response:

"Did he really? You know, that's the hard part of the job. I mean, I know there is a lot of feelings that go on when these type of things happen. I was a player that was traded twice so I understand his sentiments, but you guys know how much I love Isaiah. He's a great kid and I wish him the best. 

Reporter: Have you talked to Isaiah beyond the night of the trade?


Reporter: Would you try to mend fences later?

I don't know. I mean, would try to, but I have no idea. That takes two people, and obviously he said some things today and has some strong feelings and strong emotions and I understand those. 

While the trade itself was a reminder the NBA is a cold, hard business, this recent back and forth between Thomas and Ainge is a reminder that even so, there's still all sorts of emotion involved.

From Ainge's reaction, it was pretty clear that he was just hearing for the first time that Thomas might not want to speak to him again, and his, "Did he really?" response was pretty crushing. 

It might not be anytime soon, but hopefully Thomas and Ainge are able to reconcile at some point down the road.