The Oklahoma City Thunder overwhelmed the San Antonio Spurs in the second round, winning in six games to advance to the Western Conference finals. The Spurs won 67 games in the regular season and looked like a true championship contender but now they face several questions as they head into the offseason. Namely, will Tim Duncan return for his 20th season or was Game 6 the last we will see of the future Hall of Famer?

Duncan played well throughout the regular season, being a key cog in San Antonio's No. 1-rated defense, and averaged 8.6 points and 7.3 rebounds in 25.2 minutes. But against the Thunder, his age (40) really showed. Duncan often had little lift on his shot, routinely missing jumpers and tip ins. The Spurs big man's age was especially evident late in Game 6, when he went up for a dunk but couldn't elevate high enough and got blocked by Serge Ibaka.

Duncan actually had one of his more productive games of the series in Game 6 with 19 points on 7-of-14 shooting while also pulling down five rebounds. Yet at age 40, Duncan is clearly nearing the end of his career but he remained coy after Game 6, telling reporters he will take his time and decide about his future in the offseason.

"I'll get to that when I get out of here and figure life out," Duncan said.

A noncommittal answer for sure but it's not like Duncan was going to say he was going to retire immediately after losing in the postseason. Duncan will now use the offseason to see if his body can handle the stress and rigors of another lengthy season. If he feels like he's up for it, Duncan will likely return as he showed throughout the regular season that he still has some game left in his 40-year-old legs.

Duncan will contemplate his future in the offseason. (USATSI)