Steelers offensive coordinator Todd Haley describes the intricacies of delivering a baby to Ben Roethlisberger. (AP)

No matter what you think about Ben Roethlisberger -- whether you love or hate the Steelers quarterback, whether you think he’s a savior or a jerk -- give him props for this move: He’s got his priorities straight when it comes to the birth of his offspring.

Roethlisberger’s wife will deliver their baby son some time during this season, though he hasn’t let on about the due date, and if Roethlisberger Jr. decides to make an appearance on gameday, you can forget about the proud daddy suiting up in his uniform. Because he won’t be in the stadium. He’ll be in scrubs in a hospital's delivery room somewhere.

"I'm not missing the birth of my child," Roethlisberger said, via the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. "There's no chance. I know some fans probably don't want to hear that, but there's no chance."

And kudos to Roethlisberger. Unless your name is Travis Henry, the birth of your child occurs only a precious few times in life. Football is not more important than that, right?

But …

Roethlisberger also said he’ll try to make sure his baby is not born during the middle of a game, so there’s that at least (it’s funny, though, that sometimes babies arrive when it’s inconvenient for the parents).

If for some reason Roethlisberger is unable to control his wife’s uterine contractions on a weekend during the season, the Steelers will have to be content to let Byron Leftwich or Charlie Batch take over the game in his place.

For Roethlisberger, that’s just the way it’s going to be.

Until then, Roethlisberger is content to talk about the impending change in his life.

"It's exciting,'' Roethlisberger said. "There's a lot of things you don't think about. It's kind of like when you're younger and you want to play quarterback in the NFL, all you think about is playing quarterback. You don't think about the interviews and the little things you have to do. It's kind of the same thing.

"When you're going to be a father, all you think about is having this little baby. You don't think about the registry, the room, the diapers, all the little things that go along with it. It's exciting and it is a little bit scary, too. It is. Before long, you're going to have this little life that you're taking care of. But I've heard nothing but great things from people [about] just how it will change your life. I'm just so excited for that challenge."

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