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When Tom Brady decided to retire from the NFL back in February, the seven-time Super Bowl champion was given a send-off fitting for a GOAT. All across the sports landscape, legends were tipping their cap to the then former Buccaneers and Patriots quarterback as he was closing the book on slam dunk Hall of Fame career and one that the NFL had never seen in its history. 

One of the more notable farewells that Brady received over that stretch was from his longtime rival, good friend, and fellow legendary quarterback Peyton Manning. The Hall of Famer told those at an event hosted by The MINT Collective on Saturday that he wrote Brady a two-page letter following his retirement and paired it with a bottle of wine to commend him for his accomplishments. 

However, with Brady stunning the NFL and deciding to unretire just weeks after that announcement, Manning jokingly said that he wants those gifts sent back to him. 

"I want the letter back," Manning said. "You got to read all these nice things, I want it back. I want the bottle of wine back, too."

Manning is in a precarious spot here with Brady coming back to the NFL. Does he pen another letter and buy another bottle of wine when the 44-year-old actually does retire at some point in the future? Is the first congratulatory message/gift still valid? It's a similar situation to when a friend has a second wedding. If you already bought them an air-fryer for their first wedding, do you shell out for a second? It's a tough call.  

The former Broncos and Colts quarterback does have a valid case to ask for the retirement gifts back, although we all know that Brady has already gone through the letter and there's also a strong chance that wine has already been uncorked.