No word on if Mike Mitchell can still use MySpace. (Getty Images)
No word on if Mike Mitchell can still use MySpace. (Getty Images)

Mike Mitchell has had a rough few weeks. First, he was suplexed by Jets center Nick Mangold. Then, in the hours following the Steelers' win over the Titans, Mitchell got into it with a fan over Twitter.

During the game, the fan tweeted at Mitchell: “You are the worst signing in franchise history. Please retire and give back the money you are stealing.”

Mitchell allegedly responded with this: “LOL I'll do no such thing. You on the other hand kill yourself.” The first-year Steelers safety was asked about the tweets on Tuesday. "If people tweet me, I tweet them back," he told KDKA-TV.

Not anymore because coach Mike Tomlin had banned Mitchell from Twitter, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. Tomlin has previously stated that players are free to use social media as long as they don't embarrass themselves or the organization.

With all non-stop social-media vitriol directed towards players -- usually from nameless, faceless critics -- it's amazing this doesn't happen more often.