LSU fans stormed the field at Tiger Stadium following LSU's 36-16 blowout win over Georgia on Saturday, and it's going to cost LSU. The SEC announced Monday that it had fined LSU $100,000 for a "violation of access to competition area policy."

That's a fancy way of saying "fans running onto the field." I guess you have to use fancy words to justify fining a school $100,000 for having fun. Anyway, the fine is $100,000 because it's LSU's second offense of the sacred violation of access to competition area police with the last one coming following a 10-7 win over Ole Miss in 2014. A 10-7 win may seem like an odd time to storm the field, but Ole Miss was undefeated and ranked No. 3 in the country at the time.

If LSU commits a third violation of the access to competition area policy, it will be fined $250,000.

All the fines levied against SEC schools for violating the access to the competition area policy go into the SEC Post-Graduate Scholarship Fund.