After Friday's news that Chris Bosh failed his latest physical and will not be ready for camp, the widespread sentiment is that his NBA career is finished. After months of a standoff between Bosh and team officials with Bosh maintaining that he can play despite being on blood thinners and the Heat resisting that diagnosis in the face of multiple contrary diagnoses, this latest bit of bad news would seem to indicate that Bosh may have run out of options.

However, in a video on Instagram from the ongoing "Uninterrupted" series documenting Bosh's path through this health crisis, Bosh seems to maintain he's not done with his attempted comeback, saying "little setbacks happen but that doesn't change my intentions."

@chrisbosh offers an official response to today's news. #BoshRebuilt

A video posted by UNINTERRUPTED (@uninterrupted) on

That line could be about his intentions to document this journey or something else, as Bosh does appear despondent in the video. You can tell this latest news has rocked him. CBS Sports' Ethan Skolnick wrote about how this latest news needs to be a wakeup call for Bosh and that he should walk away with his soul satisfied in his accomplishments, but ultimately, this decision has to rest with Chris Bosh. According to reports, the situation isn't life-threatening on its own, but could be in the context of playing in the NBA.

Still, it may be premature to put the final period on Bosh's career. People forget that Alonzo Mourning faced a kidney transplant that everyone expected to end his career, yet he returned and won a title with the Heat. You wonder what Mourning, who works in the front office of the Heat, thinks about Bosh's situation. Mourning's situation post-transplant wasn't life threatening, so the comparison isn't apples-to-apples, but he also stands as proof that situations in the aftermath of physical ailment aren't final, and they can evolve.

Bosh is unlikely to ever play in the NBA again, from where the situation stands on Saturday, September 24. But September 24 is not the end of Bosh's journey, and that's his greater point in that video. This story does not appear over, despite the odds he faces, no matter the outcome.

HT: SLAM Online