LeBron James is arguably the greatest basketball player to ever live, but if you were going to nitpick a so-called "weakness" in his game, at least relatively speaking, and especially early in his career, it would be his shooting. Again, take this in context. The guy is basically an alien in every other facet of the game. As a shooter, he's merely pretty good by NBA standards -- 34 percent from 3-point range this season, which is the same mark he has for his career. 

We also know that LeBron has made no secret of dreaming about playing in an NBA game alongside his son, LeBron James Jr. -- known as Bronny -- and with the way Bronny is developing, and the rate at which LeBron continues to play, that doesn't seem like too far-fetched an idea. In fact, it seems rather likely. 

For Bronny's part, he's already become the most famous high school player in the country -- not just for his name, but for his game. The kid can flat out play. In fact, in a recent tweet, ESPN National Recruiting Director and NBA Draft analyst Paul Biancardi went so far as to proclaim Bronny, at 15 years old, a better shooter than his old man. 

And LeBron agreed. 

You'll notice that LeBron also touts the shooting talents of his 12-year-old son, Bryce Maximus, and again, Pops ain't lying. Check the footage.

LeBron is clearly a proud parent, but unlike a lot of proud parents, his kids are actually backing up the praise. It's still way too soon to tell whether LeBron's younger son has an NBA future, but as far as Bronny is concerned, the chances of his playing at the highest level are looking about as good as that jump shot of his.