NFL: Dallas Cowboys at New England Patriots

This week, NFL owners are meeting in New York to discuss different matters of importance in regards to the league. One item on the agenda concerned commissioner Roger Goodell's contract, as NFL owners voted Tuesday to permit their compensation committee to open contract negotiations with the longtime commish, per ESPN. However, this matter turned into a heated debate.

ESPN reports that the vote count to open negotiations was 31-1. The lone "nay" was Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, who reportedly got into it with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, eventually telling Kraft "Don't f--- with me," per ESPN. 

Kraft replied, "Excuse me?"

"Don't mess with me," Jones replied.

The reason Jones voted "no" on the measure reportedly has to do with the structure of Goodell's compensation. Sources told ESPN that Jones is concerned about language used when it comes to bonuses for Goodell, and that the triggers may be too vague instead of concretely connected to financial goals, targets and/or other metrics. Jones has apparently had a problem with this in the past as well.

"He believes in corporate good governance and wants accountability on the financial goals tied to Roger's bonus," a source told ESPN. "He is sensitive to awarding a big bonus to Roger before he performs and earns it."

Regardless, the measure passed, which shows that Goodell has the support of the owners. ESPN reports that the committee might consider a two or three-year contract.