Tony Romo won’t be playing for the Redskins in 2017. This may have seemed obvious as recently as a week ago, but Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has shot down a Friday report that the Cowboys, 49ers and Redskins could swing a three-team trade that would land Romo in Washington.

And while Jones would have no say on where Romo signs should the Cowboys release him, the owner thinks his relationship with Romo would prevent it from happening. First, the details, via the Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s Clarence Hill.

...[T]he idea of Romo playing in Washington is a non starter for Jones because he wouldn’t trade him to a division rival, and there is an unspoken understanding that Romo wouldn’t sign with the Redskins as a free agent if he was released.

And here’s how Jones explained it: “It is implied that we will work in the best way we can for the mutual interest of Tony and the Cowboys. That was just implied. That’s important here. Now we’ve got to abide by every league rule. We can’t have agreements without it being within the boundaries of the NFL. But when you’ve got a situation like we got, we’ll do the do-right rule. That’s it. Very important. We do the do-right rule. We have that kind of relationship.”

There’s no rush to make a decision on Romo, Jones said, adding that the team could swing a deal after the start of free agency on March 9. The quarterback also hasn’t asked for his release, though the two men talked about all the possible scenarios that could play out in the coming days and weeks.

“What I’m really saying is that I do not know how, what we will end up with -- whether it will be a trade, whether it will be a release, whether it will be neither,” Jones said. “I do not know at this time. All scenarios have been well-considered and thought out. Now we’ve just got to see where the reality is.”

Here’s what Jones does know: Dak Prescott is the Cowboys’ starting quarterback for 2017 and beyond, even if the offense that surrounds him was assembled to benefit Romo.

“I feel so fortunate to be where we are as a team and have the team and have Dak. I feel very fortunate. But a lot of what this team is about, I thought that on a personal basis Tony would have been the benefactor,” Jones said. “When I look at our relationship, for all the right reasons it was to win and win big, win a Super Bowl. We might not have the decisions we made in the offensive line had we not been so focused in on protecting Tony, and then having the running game.”