Cam Newton certainly appears to be enjoying his last few days of vacation. Ahead of training camp, the Panthers quarterback has been working out at the Under Armour facility in Baltimore, and in his spare time, he and teammates have been heading to the city's harbor for some impromptu beach volleyball games.'s Kevin Lynch writes that the NFL MVP and 10 teammates took part in several Baltimore Beach men's leagues games on Monday night. In addition to Newton, Joe Webb, Ted Ginn Jr., Stephen Hill, Damiere Byrd, Avius Capers, Miles Shuler, Tobais Palmer, Braxton Deaver, Scott Simonson and Beau Sandland were also present.

On Tuesday, the crew was back, and this time Greg Olsen, Kelvin Benjamin and Devin Funchess were with them.

For the most part, everyone had a swell evening...

... Except for that one time Newton got rejected at the net:

Dab that.

In case you're wondering, the Panthers report to training camp in Spartanburg, South Carolina on July 27.