Remember when Cam Newton said he didn't feel safe on the field anymore? Yeah, he still has a point.

In the second quarter of Monday night's game between the Panthers and Redskins, Newton scrambled out of the pocket near the sideline. After crossing the line of scrimmage, he began sliding.

That's when he took a shot to the head from Trent Murphy.

Yet Newton is the one who got flagged on the play ... for lightly tossing the ball in Murphy's direction immediately after the play ended, which ended up knocking the Panthers out of field-goal range. They were forced to punt because of the 15-yard penalty, so it cost them three points.

Clearly, it should've been a flag.

Here's the rule:

And everyone watching knew that.

That is the kind of season it's been for Newton. He got absolutely destroyed in the season opener against the Broncos and the punishment hasn't stopped.

Monday night was just another example.