Days after Odell Beckham gave a detailed explanation on why the NFL forced him to change his cleats at halftime of Sunday's loss to the Denver Broncos, the Cleveland Browns wide receiver decided to double down on how the league singles him out in regards to the uniform policy. 

Beckham insisted only "15 percent" of the league actually complies with the uniform policy.

"I feel bad, but I really just don't care. It's not just me. I see players from the last game with pants that are on their thighs, but the tights are underneath so it's like it's all good," Beckham said Thursday, by Marla Ridenour of the Akron Beacon-Journal. "I don't want to get anybody else in trouble, but I see people wearing lime green and their colors, there's no team in the NFL that's lime green except Seattle. Sorry to my brother, I know you know who I'm talking about.

"I'm not really out here to hurt anybody by the cleats that I'm wearing. The (uniform) schedule changed, there was nothing I could really do. I'll try my best to be like the other 15 percent of the NFL who follows the rules and then we'll go from there."

Beckham also referred to Hall of Fame cornerback Deion Sanders, implying he "can wear whatever he wanted and nothing was said" in regards to Sanders not wearing thigh pads. 

Beckham was ordered to change his cleats at halftime of Sunday's game, which they were blue and red with a face that looked like "Joker." The "Joker" themed cleats were in violation of the league's uniform policy. This is the third known uniform violation for Beckham this year. The first was in Week 1 when he was fined for wearing a reported $2.2 million watch, and the second came in Week 6 when his uniform pants didn't cover his knees.

While Beckham has violated the league's uniform policy, he may once have had a point. Some players around the league have been visibly seen not to wear thigh pads, particularly in the secondary and the league has not enforced that until a few years ago. 

Per the league's uniform policy, "shoulder pads and thigh and knee pads are mandatory equipment and must be worn by all players, except punters and kickers." Knee and thigh pads used to be optional. Players who refuse to use them can be ejected. 

So Beckham's history lesson has been updated, which he may have not heard about the changes or just simply refused to acknowledge them.