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The McVay family tree has added some depth to its roster. Rams head coach Sean McVay and his wife Veronika welcomed a baby boy into the world on Wednesday. The team made the announcement of McVay's son's birth in the style of a formal roster transaction, saying: "Delivered Jordan John McVay." 

There was some concern in recent weeks leading up to Jordan's birth about whether or not he'd be born on a Sunday and/or during one of Los Angeles' games. McVay stated last week that he would not coach the Rams in the event that his wife went into labor on a game day and would exit a game if it occurred amid a matchup. 

Fortunately for McVay and the Rams, the baby boy decided to enter the world early in the week, leaving dad free and clear to be on the sidelines this Sunday when his Rams take on the Cowboys in Dallas.

However, McVay is admittedly a little behind the eight ball in his game preparations for the Cowboys after being away from the team earlier in the week to be present for the birth of his son. He is also experiencing what it's like to attempt to sleep while raising a newborn, which can be a difficult task.

"I'm tired," McVay said Friday. "I'm getting caught up, but with everything that went on this week, I'm way behind. I still have a lot of work to do. Everything is good, but the sleep thing is real. Everything is great, but we are creatures of habit with our rhythm and routine. I can be a little edgy and irritable when that gets a little off, so most importantly it's about our players feeling good. I'll just have a little extra work to do on the back end to get up to speed, and there is plenty of time to do that before Sunday at noon when we kick off there. The lack of sleep earlier on the week, I have taken pretty good care of myself for the most part this year, and shit is real when you lose it. That's what you are sensing from me right now."