The Oakland Raiders are no more, eventually. With 31 NFL owners approving the move to Las Vegas -- only Stephen Ross of the Dolphins voted against it -- the Raiders are bound for Sin City, abandoning one of the most passionate fanbases in football

But when will the Raiders actually move to Las Vegas? That’s not quite as clear as the actual location itself.

There is only one absolute certainty, and that’s that the Raiders will be playing in Oakland in 2017. Mark Davis declined to describe the Raiders as a “lame duck” team and said the team will be there next year and 2018 thanks to two one-year leases.

Additionally, Davis said the Raiders would absolutely consider staying in Oakland through 2019 as well. 

“First off, I wouldn’t use the term ‘lame duck,’” he said. “We’re still the Oakland Raiders, and we are the Raiders, we represent the Raider Nation. As I said earlier, there’s going to be some disappointed fans and angry fans, and it’s going to be up to me to talk to them and let them know why, how and what has happened, and hopefully we can work things out and work together for the future.

“We have two one-year lease options for Oakland right now. I intend, if the fans would like us to stay there, we’d love to be there for that, and possibly talk to them about extending it for maybe ‘19 as well, and try to bring a championship back to Oakland.”

Here’s the problem for Davis. Raiders fans might not like the idea of having the team in Oakland in 2017. Davis offered on Monday to refund Raiders fans who didn’t want to keep their season tickets for next year after the team decided to move.

Roger Goodell said he expects the team to be called the “Oakland Raiders” as long as they’re in Oakland, but the actual timeline for the name is wide open. 

2017 is a lock at this point because there’s no other answer. 2018 is probably a good bet regardless of fan support because, again, there’s no where else to play.

2019, though? If the Raiders aren’t winning a ton of games or aren’t bringing in a ton of fans to O.Co, there’s a really good bet they decide to make a move. Maybe that’s to UNLV’s stadium, which isn’t ready for usage yet but could be ready by 2019.

Maybe the Raiders share Levi’s Stadium with the 49ers (Jerry Jones is the puppetmaster in all of this and he’s got pull in San Francisco, so this is a realistic possibility). 

So the target date for Las Vegas is probably 2020 -- that’s the expected date for when the Raiders new stadium will be ready and when the Raiders will move. It’s the earliest possible year for them to be the actual Las Vegas Raiders playing in their new stadium, although 2019 for the Las Vegas Raiders to exist also remains a possibility.