Baker Mayfield may be in the NFL now, but he's still the same Baker Mayfield you saw at Oklahoma, and that means he still has plenty of things to say about Oklahoma's rival, Texas.

Mayfield was all too happy to stir the pot a bit while doing a radio appearance on a Norman, Oklahoma radio station Wednesday. He was teed up with a question about preseason hype surrounding the Longhorns, and he hit one about 350 yards right down the middle of the fairway.

"They said the same thing [about Texas being a possible title contender] when they beat Notre Dame a couple of years ago, and they won like three games after that," Mayfield said. "I'm sick of that crap."

Mayfield didn't stop there, either. He even went after Texas quarterback Sam Ehlinger. Both Ehlinger and Mayfield attended high school near Austin, Texas, where Mayfield starred for Lake Travis, and Ehlinger went to Westlake. Since this is Texas we're dealing with, high school rivalries die as quickly as college ones do: never.

"He couldn't beat Lake Travis, so I don't really care [about] his opinion on winning," Mayfield said. "Westlake is a great program, but the two best quarterbacks to come out of there are Drew Brees and Nick Foles. Sam can stay down there in Texas."

"That will stir the pot. He doesn't like me, and I hope he knows I don't like him either."

Ehlinger went 1-1 against Oklahoma last season, and he'll get another shot on Oct. 12 when the two teams meet for their annual tilt at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. Unfortunately, Mayfield and the Cleveland Browns have a game against Seattle the day afterward, so odds are Mayfield won't be in attendance. I'd wager we'll get a tweet or two from him, though.