On a night when the all-too-short life of Tyler Skaggs was being remembered and celebrated at Angel Stadium of Anaheim, the Angels threw a combined no-hitter against the Mariners. 

It was the first Angels home game since Skaggs was found dead in his hotel room at the age of 27. Skaggs' mother threw out the ceremonial first pitch. Mike Trout, like all Angels players on Friday night wearing Skaggs' No. 45, homered. Then Taylor Cole and Felix Peña allowed the Mariners nothing on Skaggs' mound. 

Skaggs' mound. Not long after the no-hitter became a official with a 4-3 putout, Skaggs' teammates made their way to his mound and provided the rest of us with images we'll never forget: 

This gesture probably would've happened even if the miracle of July 12, 2019, never had. But that the mound where that miracle unfurled was within moments blanketed in Skaggs' No. 45 made this something that's going to reach across the decades and grab us every now and then. Whether you're his teammate, part of his family, or just a fan like the rest of us, there's no forgetting what you're seeing right now.