After 23 years of feuding, it looks like Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson are finally ready to make amends. 

Both men were in attendance on Saturday night as the Cowboys celebrated the 25th anniversary of the team’s Super Bowl win following the 1992 season. Saturday night’s party also just happened to fall on the 28th anniversary of the day that Jones originally bought the team back in 1989. 

The biggest surprise of the party on Saturday was that Jones and Johnson were so chummy. 

The reason that picture is so odd is because the two have basically been at odds since March 1994, when Jones decided not to move forward with Johnson as his head coach, even though Johnson had just led the Cowboys to two straight Super Bowl wins. 

At the time, Jones felt that the Cowboys were so talented that ‘500 coaches’ could’ve done what he did in leading Dallas to multiple Super Bowl wins. 

In the 23 years since the feud started, it never seemed to die down. In an ESPN ‘30 for 30’ from 2014, Johnson said that Jones had adamantly been against the Herschel walker trade that eventually turned around a moribund Cowboys franchise that had gone 1-15 in 1989. 

That was basically the root of every argument between the two men: Jones always thought Johnson had taken too much credit for putting together the Cowboys teams of the early 1990s. 

In 2014, Jones said the fact that Johnson was taking all the credit was an act of disloyalty. 

“Disloyalty … I couldn’t handle the disloyalty,”Jones said at the time. “Whether it was right or not, by every measurement you can go, I had paid so many times a higher price to get to be there than he had paid, it was unbelievable.”

Johnson responded to that interview by calling Jones a “rich asshole.” 

That was just three years ago. 

Things have definitely softened since then, though. 

After Jones was named as a Hall of Fame finalist in August, Johnson sent out a tweet to congratulate him. 

That might have been the icebreaker that both men needed, because they definitely seemed to enjoy each other’s company on Saturday. 

During an interview, Jones said that if there was a feud, it’s definitely over. 

“Yes it is good with Jimmy Johnson. It’s very good,” the Cowboys owner said, via the Dallas Morning News. “Jimmy and I really understand the circumstances. To some degree we have a good feel for each other. I’ve always had to overlook his foils. [laughing] But he’s had to overlook mine too.”

As for Johnson, he said that the thawing of the relationship started at the Super Bowl. 

“I talked to Jerry at the Super Bowl and congratulated him on going into the Hall of Fame,” Johnson said. “I talked to the media prior to that and I said without question he deserves to be in there.”

If Johnson ever decides to invite him down to his home in the Florida Keys, Jones said that he would definitely go.