NASHVILLE -- It's not every day that you get to take tequila shots while covering the NFL Draft, but that's exactly what happened this week after Will Brinson and I got assigned to cover a subject I'm not quite sure we were emotionally prepared to handle: Bachelorette parties. 

With the draft being held in Nashville -- AKA the bachelorette party capital of the world -- it only made sense for someone to cover the bachelorette beat, so that's exactly what we did. For two hours on Friday night, Brinson and I walked the streets of Nashville and talked to multiple bachelorettes to find out how they felt about the fact that 500,000 people invaded Nashville to spoil their party and attend the NFL Draft. 

Some bachelorettes hated that the NFL Draft was in town. Take Cara and Cyndi, for instance. The two women below told Fox 17 in Nashville that the draft was basically the worst thing that could have ever happened to their bachelorette party. 

So, did other bachelorettes hate it as much as them? For the sake of journalism, that's what Brinson and I were determined to find out. On a night where we got the closest thing to the full bachelorette party experience that two dudes will ever get, things started at a bar, ended on a party bus, and there was some craziness in between.  

Since our plan was to interview multiple bachelorette parties, first we had to find some, and let me just say that there is nothing in this world easier than finding a bachelorette party in Nashville. It's like looking for Skittles at Marshawn Lynch's house. If you stand outside anywhere in downtown Nashville for just 11 seconds, there's a 90 percent chance you'll run into a bachelorette party, and that's exactly what we did. 

Over the course of the night, we saw bachelorette Steffanie, who was carrying around a giant cardboard cutout of her fiancé's head. And then there was Christina, who refused to let us off her party bus until we decided to take one tequila shot with her and her bridesmaids. And you know what? It was our last stop of the night and you should never say no to the bachelorette (or to tequila shots), so Brinson and I powered through and did it. 

Here's a video of everything that happened with the multiple bachelorettes we ran into. Please ignore our horrible dancing moves.