Tim Tebow hasn't taken a regular-season NFL snap since 2012, and he hasn't been on an NFL roster since the 2015 preseason. And since 2016, he's been toiling away in the Mets' minor league system as an outfielder. 

But the Legend of Tebow lives on, which is why when Vince McMahon announced the return of the XFL last month, the social-media conversation promptly turned to whether Tebow would be interested in using it as a platform to revive his professional football career. SI.com's Jimmy Traina recently spoke with Tebow on the "Off the Board" podcast to get some answers

The XFL won't commence until 2020 but in McMahon's introductory press conference, he said Tebow would be a welcome addition.

"That's very nice of him, but 2020 is a long way from now," Tebow said. "I'm focused on today, I'm focused on spring training and a lot of things before that. I'm not even close to thinking about that right now."

Traina had the same response as us: Is that a yes or no?

"What if it's a "I have no idea?" Tebow answered. "That's in 2020 and I'm super excited about baseball."

Fair enough. 

And this isn't the first time Tebow has been linked with a return to professional football, whether it's the NFL, CFL or XFL.

In February 2016, Urban Meyer, who coached Tebow at the University of Florida, said the former Heisman Trophy winner could head to the CFL if the right situation presented itself.

And in late July 2016, Tebow was asked if he'd return to the NFL if a team called and said "we need you in training camp right now." 

He was noncommittal but did say this: "I mean, for me, I'm in the best shape I've ever been in. I'm still young, I still feel really good. So is that something that I feel like I can be an effective quarterback in the NFL? Yeah, I really do feel like I could be. But I think at the same time, there are a lot of other things that I'm doing that I love and that I'm blessed to do."

In case you're wondering, Tebow is eligible to play in the XFL while Johnny Manziel is not. In related news, Manziel seems unconcerned by this development.

Meanwhile, Tebow has earned another invitation to the Mets' spring training, which opens next week.