Fans watching the Bills-Jaguars game at Moondoggies Bar & Grill in Las Vegas got quite the surprise when they were joined by Heisman-winning running back (and ex-con) O.J. Simpson on Sunday afternoon.

The former Bills halfback made an appearance at the bar and took photos with fans while wearing what appeared to be a Shady McCoy jersey. It looked like they all had a pretty swell time, at least until the game started.

We must point out the the bearded man who appropriately wore a "The Juice Is Loose" t-shirt (featuring a white Bronco) while running into Simpson at the bar. What a day for that guy.

Several reports incorrectly stated that Simpson was at the game in Jacksonville, but he remained in his new home state of Las Vegas. That may not have entirely been his decision, either.

After getting released from a Nevada prison in October after serving nine years for armed robbery and kidnapping, Simpson expressed a desire to return to Florida. However, Florida's State Attorney General Pam Bondi made it clear he was not welcome

"Floridians are well aware of Mr. Simpson's background, his wanton disregard for the lives of others, and of his scofflaw attitude with respect to the heinous acts for which he has been found civilly liable," Bondi said in the letter, according to the New York Post. "Our state should not become a country club for this convicted criminal."

One of the conditions of Simpson's parole is that he's not allowed to drink excessively, so we should give him some credit for making it sober through a Buffalo-Jacksonville game that basically gave anyone watching the first half a reason to drink.