Donald Trump is now officially o-for-2 in his efforts to get an NFL-related speaker to give a speech on his behalf at the Republican National Convention

Former Bears coach Mike Ditka became the latest person to turn down Trump's offer.

"I spoke with Mr. Trump [Wednesday] afternoon and he invited me. But I don't think I'm going to go," Ditka told the Chicago Tribune.

Ditka was the second NFL-related person in three weeks to turn down a Trump convention invite. Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger announced on June 12 that he wouldn't endorse Trump or speak at the convention.

As for Ditka, he didn't turn down the offer because he's against Trump, he turned down the offer because he doesn't feel like making the trip to Cleveland for the July 18-21 convention.

"I can help him, but I don't know if I can give a speech at the convention," Ditka said. "I don't travel much anymore except between Chicago and Florida, and giving a speech at a convention isn't really my style."

Donald Trump got denied by Da Coach. USATSI

Although Ditka won't be at the convention, he'll still be supporting Trump, and he'd like to see other members of the Republican party do the same.

"The Republican Party has its head up its ass," Ditka said. "If he's the candidate, you've got to get behind him. It does the party no good. They're a bunch of a-holes."

The Super Bowl winning coach also said that Trump's on the "right track."

"I do like Donald Trump. I think he, sometimes he's gotta think a little bit more before he says things, but I think he's on the right track," Ditka said. "I think that he has the fire in his belly to make America great again and probably do it the right way. I do like him, yes. I do like him."