After Brock Osweiler made the decision to spurn the Broncos and sign with the Texans back in March, a lot of people wanted to know why he would leave the defending Super Bowl champions for a team that's only made the playoffs once in the past three years.

Texans owner Bob McNair theorized in March that Osweiler decided to sign with Houston because the quarterback wanted to get out of Manning's shadow. That's not the case though, according to Osweiler.

During a recent interview with MMQB, the Texans quarterback revealed exactly why he left Denver.

"I have tremendous respect for both John Elway and Peyton Manning as people and as quarterbacks in the NFL, but I was not concerned one bit with playing in their shadow," Osweiler said. "That didn't weigh into my decision whatsoever. Bottom line, I made my decision off where I felt like I could have the most success playing quarterback in the NFL and where I could go and win long-term."

That's an interesting statement, mainly because Osweiler is saying he has a better chance for long-term success in Houston than he does playing for the defending Super Bowl champions. If that's why Osweiler left, there's a lot of people in Denver who would probably disagree with his opinion.

During the interview, Osweiler also refuted any claims that there's a grudge going on between him and the Broncos.

"There is no grudge," Osweiler said. "I have tremendous respect for coach Gary Kubiak. I love that guy. In fact, I talked to him last weekend. He is a tremendous person, and he is a tremendous football coach. I have great respect for Greg Knapp, who was my quarterbacks coach in Denver for three years. He taught me so much about playing quarterback in the NFL and made me a better football player."

The reason some people thought there might be a grudge is because hours after Osweiler signed with the Texans, John Elway released a statement saying that the Broncos only wanted players on the team who wanted to be in Denver.

At the time, the Broncos website also pointed out that Denver won Super Bowl 50 despite having "suboptimal, near-replacement-level quarterbacking" during the season. A clear shot a Osweiler, since the team was on good terms with Peyton Manning.

Elway also added that there was no way Denver was going to overpay for a quarterback like Osweiler.

Not only did Osweiler say there's no grudge, but he also praised Elway for giving him an "opportunity for coming into the National Football League."

"I could probably stand up and have a press conference and thank 100 guys within that Denver organization, along with all those teammates I played with," Osweiler said. "So there is no grudge. I have nothing but love for my time I spent in Denver, and appreciation, and gratitude. But now we are beginning a new chapter, and I couldn't be more excited to be here in Houston."

Of course, getting $18 million a season probably has something to do with his excitement.

There might not be a grudge now, but there will be in Week 7 when the Broncos host the Texans on Monday Night Football.

Brock Osweiler had two big reasons for picking the Texans over the Broncos. YouTube/NFL