As most people know, the first rule of April Fool's Day is "Don't believe anything you read on April Fool's Day." Unfortunately, some Broncos fans didn't get that memo, which led to an interesting situation Sunday on Instagram. 

For April Fool's Day, Von Miller decided to announce on his Instagram page that he bad been traded to the Browns. Miller posted the photo below with the following caption, "It's been real Denver! The "Mile High City" and the @broncos will always have my heart! SB50 Champs! They can never take that away from us! @clevelandbrowns & @juice_landry what's good!!!"

As with every April Fool's prank ever, there's always going to be a few people who fall for it, and that's what happened with Miller. 

First, the sad Broncos fans checked in. Here's what the sad fans had to say. 

"I am heartbroken."

"Never been so sad in my life." 

"This is the worst idea EVER! Nooooooooo my heart seriously hurts."

"I about dropped dead in this chair don't you ever leave us!"

Not only did the sad fans check-in, but we also had multiple fans who almost suffered a catastrophic heart injury after they found out that Miller had been fake traded to the Browns. Here's a sampling of all the heart-attack comments left on Miller's page. 

"Bro I almost had a heart attack and then I realized it's April fools." 

"Lol thanks for the mini heart attack."

"I just had a heart attack and then I realized it is April Fools. Not funny."

Based on the comment below, it appears that the Broncos also lost at least one fan due to Miller's fake trade. 

"I'm not a broncos anymore cause of this crap."

Miller also apparently has a few Browns fans following him on Instagram, because they also left a few comments after seeing news of his fake trade. Here's a sampling of comments from Browns fans. 

"Cleveland is about to be lit because of Von Miller."

"If it's true the Browns are nasty."

Anyway, Miller was NOT traded to the Browns, despite what he posted on Instagram. And just for the record, Emmanuel Sanders also wasn't traded to the Redskins

The Broncos eventually made sure there was no April Fool's confusion when they sent out a tweet that made it clear that both trades were fake.