
Simone Biles is just coming off a two-year break from gymnastics, but on Sunday she showed that after less than a month back in competition she's as great as ever. The 2016 Olympic gold medalist won the U.S. Gymnastics Championships all-around title for the fifth time, becoming the first woman to do so.

At 21, Biles is the first woman in 47 years to win the all-around as a non-teenager. And, as amazing as all of that is, it still doesn't come close to the message Biles sent with her win.

Biles wore a teal leotard of her own design in her victory, the color of choice to honor victims of sexual abuse. Biles, a survivor herself of the Larry Nassar scandal that turned gymanstics on its head, stood with over 100 survivors in her victory.

"It is for the survivors," Biles said, via ESPN. "I stand with all of them, and I think it's kind of special to unite."

Biles made a statement at a time when it was needed, as other survivors of Nassar's abuse have been critical of USA Gymnastics' lack of a response of substance to the Nassar scandal. 

Biles, who came forward as a victim of Nassar's abuse in January with a note called "Feelings," was rightfully celebratory of her win.

On Monday, of course, the feeling wasn't quite as great. At least physically.

In terms of comebacks, this one is utterly insane. To miss two years and take an all-around in less than a month in a sport where 20 can be a death knell is incredible. To do so while making such a powerful statement only serves to elevate Biles' incredible feat.