Mascots are often very entertaining figures that get the crowded excited during any athletic event.  BYU's "Cosmo the Cougar" took that to a completely different level recently.

During the team's Jan. 26 game against San Francisco, "Cosmo the Cougar" was launched by the BYU dunk team from beyond the three-point line, caught a ball in mid-air and then threw down a massive two-handed slam dunk. Needless to say, the crowd went absolutely wild.

Following the completion of the spectacular feat, Cosmo was overcome with emotion as he celebrated by running around the court. In addition, Cosmo did some flips to further the celebration in one of the most energetic displays that anyone has seen from a mascot.

The dunk has since gone viral and even caught the attention of BYU head coach Mark Pope.

The athleticism on the dunk is very impressive. Obviously, Cosmo got a head start with members of the dunk team tossing him towards the basket, but to catch the ball in stride and slam it home, is nothing short of sensational. It also needs to be mentioned how impressive it is that the dunk team tossed the mascot that far.

The Cougars did win that game to San Francisco, 90-76, but have won four in a row since Cosmo's memorable dunk. Perhaps this needs to be performed at every home game.