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You’ll never believe this, but LaVar Ball has something outlandish he’d like to tell you. 

The father of UCLA freshman Lonzo Ball, and UCLA basketball commits LiAngelo and LaMelo, believes his sons are worth a shoe marketing deal worth upward of $1 billion. He’s just waiting for the eventual offer when they are eligible.

“A billion dollars, it has to be there,” Ball told USATODAY. “That’s our number, a billion, straight out of the gate. And you don’t even have to give it to me all up front. Give us $100 mil over 10 years.”

Oh, whew. They don’t have to pay that billion upfront. Because that would have been a deal breaker, and certainly not the outrageous belief that his sons would be worth as much as LeBron James’ shoe deal with Nike. 

Ball says he is planning to package his sons, even though LiAngelo and LaMelo are still in high school. The elder Ball also says he hasn’t landed on which brand he will opt to sign with among Nike, Under Armour and Adidas.

This is just the latest in a long line of over-the-top comments from LaVar, who has gone on record saying his oldest son is better than Stephen Curry and recently claimed he could have taken Michael Jordan in a game of one-on-one.

Who knows whether the Ball sons will garner that type of marketing money someday, but at the moment it seems pretty far out there.