The father of UCLA freshman Lonzo Ball made headlines last week telling TMZ that Lonzo will be a better version of Steph Curry in the NBA.

“He’s going to be better than Steph Curry,” LaVar Ball said. “Steph Curry’s really good, but my son is young, he’s got time to go. And you only consider him good because he won a couple of championships. What if he didn’t win no championships? He made some shots at the right time. But he’s not as young as my boy.”

Some wild claims to make about a 19-year-old college student, and some major shade being thrown at a two-time MVP winner. So when he was asked about those comments on Saturday on the Pac-12 network broadcast, Ball had a chance to walk some of those statements back. Instead, he doubled down. 

Here’s his comments, via the Pac-12 broadcast:

“Hey, let me tell you this right now. I have the utmost confidence in what my boy is doing. I’m gonna tell you right now, he better than Steph Curry to me,’’ LaVar Ball said. “Here, put Steph Curry on UCLA’s team right now and put my boy on Golden State and watch what happens.”I doubled down on it again. Like I said, if I don’t know what my boy is about, I’m not going to make that statement. Steph’s going to have problems trying to guard my boy. Play 1-on-1!”

Whooo boy. Can we arrange a Lonzo-Curry 1-on-1 matchup pronto? I don’t side with LaVar Ball necessarily, but boy would that be fun.

These comments from LaVar Ball are becoming an everyday thing, nearly. He has made claims that UCLA will win the national title, that all three of his sons will be one-and-dones, and now that Lonzo will have a better NBA career than Steph Curry.

I’m all for confidence, and I get the naysayers begging him to dial it back. But if his outlandish comments aren’t distracting the UCLA team or his son’s performance, I say let him talk. It might sound crazy now, but who knows, maybe in 15 years we’ll look back on these comments and agree with him.