When rookie Eagles kicker Jake Elliott drilled a 61-yard, walk-off field goal on Sunday, he didn't just give the Eagles a win over the Giants. He also earned himself some extra money -- $31,764.71 to be specific. That's because quarterback Carson Wentz, who was mic'd up on the sideline, was heard saying he'd give his game check to Elliott if he made the kick. 

But on Wednesday, Elliott, who is set to earn $465,000 this season, refused the money. Apparently, according to multiple reporters, Wentz told Elliott about his sideline offer, but Elliott would rather see an undisclosed portion of money go to charity.

Here's the video of Wentz offering his game check:

And here's the actual video the 61-yard field goal, which barely squeaked through the upright:

Nice kick and an even nicer move to donate the money to charity.